I couldn't find a map that made sense to me, so I followed my ears and found 7 more stages manned by young men in large black t-shirts, standard guitar sounds and 4/4 beats. I am sure they were great. Yeah.
I got back to the Cottage of Insanity in time for the Governor's Island historical police to tell the bands to get off the porch. I guess they didn't want any more fake blood ruining the paint job. Like the former drummer's wife I am, I grabbed some equipment and helped them move it to the front of the building. Anything to get the music going, and get me out of boredom.
I am going to talk about The Arkhams first, even though they were the finale act of the day. They had a lot to overcome: the amazing act that came before them, a smashed microphone from the previous act, the storm that looked like it would arrive any minute. The bass player said, "I knew it would come to this, a stand off between The Arkhams and God. Anyone got any beer?" They are a fantastic roots rock rockabilly band. The guitar player can play. They were danceable. The bass player and lead man did tricks.
They play songs titled "Insanity," and "She's Lost Control."
They had a very sexy dancer.
They did everything right. If you want to learn more about The Arkhams, visit http://www.myspace.com/thearkhams
They are playing lots of gigs, everywhere from Delaware to Germany to NYC this summer. They may be playing near YOU!
The Arkhams were a great, professional act, but the spontaneity of the act before them --that had smashed the microphone--could not be outdone with a planned show.
Poison Control of San Francisco is a loud, fast gritty hard core band with breadth enough to finish off a set with a country song about having only money enough for a six pack of beer. I forgive them for the fake English accent Green Day thing. It is probably de rigeur in SF.
Here is a short sample.
The singer is "Talon" and the drummer was the one with the GG Allin tat. Sometimes they switch places.
They're playing in San Francisco July 14 at Submission Art Space.
For more info, visit: http://www.myspace.com/poisoncontrolpunx
The true finale for me was The Afterbirth. They did punk. They did hardcore. I think I remember them doing psychobilly (but I may have been getting heat stroke after all this time in the sun). They had silly costumes. The lead man, was looked like Bowzer from Sha Na Na in an Elvis superhero suit. The guitarist was dressed as Kurt Cobain in 100 degree heat. One guy only wore a jock strap. There was screaming, and eventually full frontal nudity. (Finally something for the ladies). There was fake blood everywhere.
The Afterbirth sings songs like "Ed Gein was a Craftsman," "Monsterbator," and "Dead Girls Don't Say No." Chastity from Trauma Team 666 and I were dancing like crazy. Here they are at Bar East on the UES in April.
And then they start to cover a song by GG Allin. The drummer with the GG tat runs up, grabs the mike out of Bowzer's hand, and sings the song. During the bridge he started beating himself in the head with it. Blood everywhere and the microphone smashed. I felt like GG's spirit had cum all over us. It was the craziest show I've ever seen. I felt like something happened. Apparently everyone else did too. They rushed the stage.
If you want more of The Afterbirth, they are playing Otto's Shrunken Head on Aug 21.
You can find more info about them at http://www.myspace.com/theafterbirthnyc
I left the show shortly after The Arkhams. I looked for the GG tat man to compliment him, but he couldn't be found . What a great day. I can't believe it took a week's worth of blogging to get to it all. Of course I'll be there next year. Prepared. With a map and my own booze hidden....